Dr David Gonsalvez speaking at the Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2016 Asia Pacific
01 Sep 16
Dr David Gonsalvez, CEO and Rector of MISI, will be speaking at Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2016 Asia Pacific (SCAP2016) to be held in Singapore on 1st December 2016. Dr Gonsalvez’s presentation is titled Admired Inno-Transformation Supply Chains Case Study where he will look at two case studies of e-commerce supply chains in grocery delivery and luxury goods respectively. In each case, two companies with similar business models will be compared where one succeeded while the other crashed. He will explain the ‘lessons learned’ from these case studies.
The Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2016 Asia Pacific (SCAP2016) is an international conference that will be held in Singapore on 1st and 2nd December 2016. For more information on the SCAP2016, please visit http://www.scinno-ap.com/.