Dr. Javad Feizabadi Moderated a Panel Session Entitled “Repurposing the Power of Blockchain”
18 May 18
Dr. Javad Feizabadi moderated a panel session entitled “repurposing the power of blockchain” organized by “Asia Strategy and Leadership Institute” and held on 29th March 2018, Petaling Jaya. After a quick introduction of the technology to the audience, the panel session was facilitated to discuss on Blockchain tech as it is reflected in press as “trust machine”. The panelist shared their views on how the technology can change the trust environment surrounding on transactions. It followed by economic impact of reducing verification and networking costs in the economy.
Associated with lower verification cost for transaction costs, the impact of technology on new organizational forms especially in developing economies were discussed. Finally after elaborating the public and private blockchains and the advice for the businesses on how to gradually adopt the technology and not waiting for full development, the session ended with discussion on some potential use cases in global supply chain.