Introduction to SRM and Performance Metrics
This session will define the fundamental concepts of SRM and why it is important for long term success with core suppliers. Common challenges in buyer supplier relationships will be illustrated. How to establish metrics that are fair, quantifiable, and effective will be discussed.
Supplier Segmentation and Performance Improvement
Almost no company has the resources to devote to in-depth SRM with all its suppliers. This session will focus on the creation of supplier segments and how to group suppliers. Methods for addressing performance improvement in each segment will also be discussed and illustrated with examples.
Team exercises
Teams will be asked conduct simulated negotiations between buyers and suppliers in the context of a previously signed contract that will continue in force for several years more. Teams will then debrief, compare with current practice in their companies and share learnings from the exercise
(peer-to-peer learning)
Risk Management, Collaboration, & Recognition
This session will address how risk management can be developed for a company’s supplier base. Collaboration between buyer and supplier and the development of true partnerships will be discussed. Finally, supplier recognition, often neglected or mis-managed by companies, will be illustrated using examples from real companies